ReadLet  allows for the automatic evaluation of the reading efficiency parameter(Reading Efficiency Parameter, REP), by measuring the speed and the quality in reading either silently or aloud and by evaluating the text comprehension.

By using a tablet device with a touchscreen for detecting the text focused by the child while reading, ReadLet  enables for an automated and integrated modality for evaluating the decoding skills, the comprehension level and the reading speed. Automated tools for speech analysis and recognition, together with the analysis of the finger sliding on the screen, allow ReadLet  for the association of the voice and the action of the child with the underlying text. Automated techniques for text analysis are then used to look for text source of complexity and readability indexes, making it possible to design solutions for tailored potentiation to guarantee reading autonomy, for both education and every-day-life purposes.

ReadLet  was born within the ComPhys lab, from the collaboration between the Institute for Computational Linguistics (ILC) and the Institute for Clinical Physiology (IFC) at CNR in Pisa.
Within Learning Disorders, the research project aims to support and potentiate the interdisciplinar research on actions for early detection of difficulties in text reading and comprehension, by developing tailored and ecologically-usable solutions for potentiating and recovering.

ReadLetReadLet reading for understanding
ReadLet v2.1.8ComPhys labGARR consortium